I've feared the "Spring" and have been content to remain in the "Winter", when all things have died or are dormant. I am still terrified of the "Spring" but I can see it coming now and despite the mixture of feelings it arouses, the season will change and I can choose to remain dormant or embrace it. I think I will embrace it and go with the flow of the seasons.
Thanks "T"
Shades of Me
such as the seasons be
Ever changing hues
of green to gold,
from young to old
And as if Spring
has come to stay,
abruptly, it is swept away.
Contentment leaves
dew turns to frost.
I cry for a Spring,
that appears to be lost.
Blossoms wilt
and turn to brown.
Will shades of Spring
again be found?
Assuredly as seasons change
fragments of the Spring remain.
"Shades of Me" was published by Rook Publishing in "Quothade an Anthology" in 2005 and is my all time favorite poem.