Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Deep Lake

The fog over the river this morning is so thick that you can barely see the faint lights across it, glowing from the homes on the other side. I love the river, though I am a Lake person sometimes the river has characteristics that resemble the lake, like the morning fog. I can sit and stare at it all day, just thinking. I am looking forward to the spring and all that the river brings during this season. It deeply inspires me.

The first poem I wrote that won an award is called "Deep Lake" and a pretty prestigious award at that. It won an honorable mention in the "Writer's Digest International 73rd Annual Poetry Contest" in 2004. A series of Haiku's compiled together to become one poem about a day on the lake. (Inspired by Leesome Lake in Spooner Wisconsin where my family and I spent nearly every summer camping)

Deep Lake

Early morning mist
small scale sky above the sea
placid horizon

Sunlit beams scatter
kisses upon your surface
shimmering wet chrome

Deep Lake laps my boat
emerald aura of glass
shadow on its face

Coy loon trills trills, trills
one up, one down--hide and seek
playground 'tween the greens

Blue Heron jolts time
protruding from the shallows
prehistoric fowl

Random raindrops dance
resonating ripples swell
echo through the pines

Night descends Deep Lake
soft heart beats--against the shore
lulling me to sleep
