Friday, March 13, 2009

Pet Peeve

I have a pet peeve when people have to remind you of your obligations, as if you didn't remember you had them. Its like being reminded not to use a metal spoon in the non-stick pans. I'm an adult, I have common sense. I am fully aware of my situation and that I have obligations (and can't make them). Its one thing to be reminded of something trivial and as if you were a child but to take a persons lowest vulnerable point, rub it in their face like you weren't aware of the fact yourself is downright low!

Its like being noogied on the head and them saying "McFly!" Gives a person an intelligence complex. Pretty soon you feel like everyone is "McFlying" you. But you know who the ignorant one was? Biff!

I think the world is divided into two groups; the Biffs and the McFlys. Unfortunately the brightest of brights have insecurities and feel like McFlys, the rest are bullies, if not by nature but by programings; overcompensation of thier own shortcomings.

But I think its possible the their can be oddities, those who are both Biffs and McFly's. What am I, What are you?

(that kind of went off into a strange


disclaimer; Liz cannot be held responsible for the statements above as she morphed into someone else in the middle of the bloging process.