Friday, April 17, 2009

Tea Party Tyranny

I laughed my A** off at this one on "The Daily Show" with Jon Stewart last night. These "protesters" don't really have a grasp on what they are protesting or the facts behind why they are protesting. The ignorant are feeding off the rhetoric and propaganda. If you ask me, I think they all need to go back to school. They also need to open their eyes, what they are protesting has gone on for the last eight years and our president can't fix it "overnight". The average person's taxes are being cut as part of the stimulus. In fact in the last month, because of Obama, I am getting an additional $25.00 a week on my unemployment, a 65% discount on my COBRA and my son is getting funding to go to college!

G.O.P. = Gone Overboard People!

The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
Tea Party Tyranny
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