I attended a job workshop at the DES on how to apply for government jobs, specifically the Arsenal. I've learned that employers have gone away from the one page resume' due to the economy and the amount of people out there looking for work. They now want more details and a three page resume' is now the norm. No wonder I've not received any responses from my resume' postings. However after staying up all night working on it and re posting it I did get some emails suggesting I apply for jobs selling insurance (at least its something).
You are probably wondering where I am living now that I'm no longer at the river house. My former boyfriend, Neil, offered a place to stay when I had to evacuate from the overflowing Rock, no strings attached. While staying here, we re-kindled our relationship and things have never been better. But as fate would have it, they've begun layoffs at his plant. Today, 17 workers from the Iowa plant, just across the Mississippi, were laid off and beginning Monday his hours will be reduced. Now would be a good time for that unemployment to start rolling in.
In the meantime, between looking for work and being "Suzie homemaker", I'm sorting through bags (we didn't have time to obtain boxes for moving), unpacking and re-packing, mingling my things with Neil's things. I'm finding time now to spend with my kids and Grandsons and am enjoying it to high heavens. Geffory has attached himself, quite fondly, to Neil and began calling him "Grandpa" and they too are enjoying each others company. I think I just might be sad when it all ends and I go back to work.
Needless to say, through the many obstacles and hardships I'm experiencing right now, I'm quite content. A favorite author of mine, Viktor Frankle, who wrote "Man's Search for Meaning", taught me its how we respond and react to our hardships that is important. If we lose everything we have, we at least have control over how we respond. I hope, that in hindsight, these will be the best days of my life.
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