Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Are We Done Yet?

I have so much I want to write about and so little time to do so. I'll be glad when I can stop writing about the flu. I was pleased this morning to see that one of our local newspapers, The Dispatch, did not have a single word in reference to Swine Flu, N1H1 or N5H1 or whatever they are calling it these days.

I was appalled on Sunday (May 3th, 2009)by the full page spread from "The Associated Press" on the history of the Spanish Flu that I previously mentioned. Just the manner in which the articles were presented was frightening to say the least; "In flu scare, echoes of a fearful time"..WHAT? This does not echo the flu epidemic that began in 1918 what so ever. The only reason we currently have a "scare" is due to the media blowing the "pandemic" out of proportion.

In a sub-titled segment of the article "Now and Then" it is quoted by John M. Barry the author of "The Great Influenza: The Epic Story of the Deadliest Plague in History", that he is tired of talking about he epidemic of 1918 but because of the similarities (what similarities?) He is doing his part to make sure the same mistakes aren't made again. We do appreciate Mr. Barry's efforts but the first mistake that was made was frightening the entire World to death over the common flu.

The article also describes to us how the victims would sometimes die within hours of contracting the virus and how they suffered from "high fevers, bloody discharge, turned purple and drowned in their own fluids". Excuse me? Do you see any similarities aside from the high fever here? What we are looking at is the average flu which is dangerous yes, but only to those who are normally at risk from dying from the flu, that's why they are encouraged to get a flu shot every year.

On Monday, May 4th, 2009 The Dispatch published an article, again from the "Associated Press" in Mexico City, the headline: "Epidemic declining?" Really? When was it ever deemed an epidemic? Of course its declining, the flu season is almost over and by next fall we will have a flu shot that will cover this particular strain that caused the World to panic.

I can't help but think of the movie "Wag the Dog" and wonder "who" and "what" are we deliberately being distracted from? My friend and fellow blogger Aero of the ABNetwork has other theories on the subject, for more on the virus, visit their blog ABNETWORK: The "H1N1 Triple Flu Virus Outbreak
