Friday, May 22, 2009

The Republican Conspiracy

Its almost sickening to watch the news anymore. Whats up with the Republicans these days? In the beginning there was the stimulus package and the Republicans refusing to pass the bill. President Obama, in an attempt to appease them (being bipartisan) compromised by incorporating some of their interests into the bill and yet they still boycotted it. There were numerous delays in approving his appointments to his cabinet. They were acting like children, testing the new babysitter and in the process wasting time and money and to accomplish what?

They continue to behave like children, especially a handful of them. Cheney, who is no longer a public servant to the Country, continues to antagonize the President and the American People. As evidenced in the below video, Cheney continues to twist the news, leaving out pertinent information to his statements and invoking fear into the people as usual.

Rachel Maddow digs up contradictions in Cheney's speeches comparing "Then" and "Now". At least in Cheney's attempts to discredit the President, Cheney is discrediting himself and has admitted to torture.

Special Commentary by Keith Olbermann...Give 'em Hell Keith!

I keep trying to find the rationalization in these actions by the Republican Party. I can find none. At best, I believe they are upset over President Obama having won the election, they don't appear to want the "War on Terror" to end and are continuing to use "fear" tactics to sway the American People into coming back to their side. But Why?

Rush Limbaugh was interviewed by Glenn Beck Yesterday, May 21, 2009,("Rush to Judgement") and seems to think we will "realize we made a mistake". They know they have done wrong by the Country during the Bush Administration and are trying to "Justify" their actions. In addition I believe, and its just my opinion that they are relentlessly trying to make the President look bad to his voters and possibly make him crack under pressure.

Thus far President Obama has remained unflappable and is earnestly trying to improve the image of America and bring us back to being a "law biding" Country. It appears to me that at this point in time our biggest adversary is the G.O.P. rather than the countries abroad. They are dividing the Nation and looking out for the best interest of themselves and as I've said before, our elected officials are supposed to be working for "we the people", not "they the republicans".

Article by Elizabeth A. Hall

(I had wanted to comment on the GITMO issue but am finding that I have too much to say and it will have to be another blog. Hopefully I will have it posted by this evening.)


Liz said...

Comments posted from my other site at

Posted by: Jenius on May 22, 2009 6:01PM EST
Interesting, but you might have insulted children in your second paragraph.

Posted by: ckrofone on May 22, 2009 9:03PM EST
I'm pretty sure I only insulted Republicans.


Posted by: ckrofone on May 22, 2009 9:10PM EST
I have re-read my blog and you may be right. Lets hope that doesn't happen again.


Posted by: Jenius on May 23, 2009 9:21AM EST
Kidding, of course.

Posted by: ckrofone on May 23, 2009 10:25AM EST
I was slow to gather that (on the defensive having just read srm's hence the second comment.

Have a great Memorial Day Weekend!
