My last blog "Illinois Senate Ok's Medical Marijuana" has introduced me to new friends with the same medical condition as myself, Fibromyalgia isn't something I normally discuss. I don't want to appear to be a whiner, its just something I "deal with" but felt under the circumstances, that I must put in my two cents for the sake of others. It also allowed me to meet others with different conditions, fighting the fight to legalize Marijuana. I've found myself writing many letters to my public servants regarding many other issues as well and it feels good to be doing something productive while unemployed. You can write yours at
I was surprised this week to find more jobs in the newspaper than online and dutifully updated my resume' and composed cover letters. My writing skills seem to have improved and I wrote some awesome cover letters but wonder if they could be too good. I do have to admit, my strongest asset is my business writing skills and combining that skill with my creative writing skills has made a big difference in the final product. The advantage of "mailing" a cover letter and resume' vs. filling out an online application is quite evident now. Sometimes I surprise myself.
I'm still contemplating the school option and my new friends have given me some good ideas for freelancing and ideas for books. A week from today I will be taking a little jaunt to house sit for my cousin for the weekend, not that I don't have a lot of "self" time here but I am looking forward to being surrounded with wildlife and the beautiful view at their home overlooking the Mississippi River. I hope it will be inspiring as well as meditative. Camera and laptop will be in tow.
Congrats on winning the photo contest, you have a wonderful eye and the knack to shoot more then just nature. I have also noticed your writing skills improve as well over the past few months and see that possibly taking you in a direction with something you will enjoy.
I have always found that doing the work you love doesn't really feel like a job at all if you truly enjoy doing it for more then just a paycheck. Enjoy your self time next week and bring back some great photos and some of your wonderful writing.
Peace, Aero
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