Sunday, May 10, 2009

I Am... (create your own "I Am" poem)

I am consequential, catching
I wonder about the other 90 percent of my brain
I hear my thoughts screaming to be found
I see the good in everyone
I want an external hard drive
I am consequential, catching

I pretend to be productive
I feel success
I touch emptiness
I worry about my offspring and my significant other
I cry at happy endings
I am consequential, catching

I understand no one is perfect
I say everything happens for a reason
I dream of being lost in the forest
I try to be productive
I hope to see it through the trees
I am consequential, catching

Create your own "I Am" poem here

When you're you're done, share it in my comments.



Beirut said...

I am nobody to many but somebody to me,
I look for a greater calm to set me free,
I am everything yet nothing I can be...

I am lost yet found yet lost once again,
I hold in my power, my fears and my pain,
I am cold, warm and passionate and plain!

I am still learning about life though I've lived long enough!
I am hoping, wishing, praying to be stronger, to be tough...
I am petals of flowers and rocks of rough!

I am here standing though I wish I was away from here,
I miss those who once were so close and near,
I crave a love that was never really dear!

I am a whole of pieces, a some of no parts!
I am a popper of aces and a queen of hearts!
I am who I am with all the ends and the starts!

Liz said...

Thanks for sharing "Beirut_Khaled". Very nice poem.
